ADHD Full Form | What is the Full Form of ADHD
ADHD Full Form - Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Here, you’ll get the solution of following ADHD related questions: full form of ADHD in medical , what is full form of ADHD , full form of ADHD .

ADHD-Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
- ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
- It’s the foremost common mental disorder in children that starts during childhood.
- It doesn't mean that it only affects children, can affect people of all ages.
- The exact explanation for ADHD isn't known. Some factors that are believed to be the cause of ADHD include:
- Child is born prematurely
- Low birth weight
- Smoking, alcohol or drug abuse during pregnancy
- Genetics, it can run in families
Types of ADHD
ADHD are often of three types based on the symptoms of the child.

ADHD Types
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- Inattentive :
- During this type, the main symptoms include lack of attention. The child features a short span, easily distracted and isn't ready to specialise in any given task.
- Hyperactive/impulsive :
- This kind occurs when the patient has major symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity like the child cannot sit still for an extended duration, talks excessively, excessive physical movement, act stupidly , unable to wait for his or her turn, interrupts conversations.
- Combined :
- It occurs when the patients exhibit symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity or impulsivity.
The treatment of ADHD usually involves medications and behavioral interventions. It’d not completely cure ADHD, but it can help reduces symptoms.
- There are few ways in which can help you reduce the danger of ADHD in your child such as:
- Don't consume anything which will harm fetal development during pregnancy like alcohol, cigarette, and recreational drugs.
- Protect your child from pollutants and toxins including cigarette smoke and lead paint.
- Excessive exposure to TV or video games should be reduced within the early years of life.