FHR Full Form | What is the Full Form of FHR
FHR Full Form - Fetal Heart Rate ( full form of fhr )

Full Form of FHR
- FHR stands for Fetal Heart Rate. ( full form of fhr )
- Because the name suggests, it's the heart rate of your baby (fetus) when it's inside your womb.
- It's usually measured by a radiologist as a neighborhood of your routine checkup during pregnancy.
- It generally varies from 120 beats per minute (bpm) to 160 beats per minute (bpm).
- The FHR tends to decrease over the time during pregnancy, e.g. During the primary 8 to 10 weeks of pregnancy, it are often as high as 180 bps and through last weeks of pregnancy, it are often as low as 120 bps.

Fetal Heart Rate
- Some people believe that baby's gender are often predicted from the FHR, but it's a myth, not a reality.
- There's no significant difference between male and female heart rates during pregnancy.
- A traditional FHR Indicates that your pregnancy goes well.