BPL Full Form | Full Form of BPL
BPL Full Form - Below Poverty Line
- Here, you’ll get the solution of the following BPL related questions: full form of BPL , full form of BPL card , what is the full form of BPL , BPL full form

Below Poverty Line
- BPL stands for Below Poverty Line. It's an economic benchmark set by the government of India to spot the economically weaker people and households in urgent need of state aid. It refers to a threshold income.
- The people whose income is below this threshold income are considered poor or below poverty line.
- The govt launches various schemes to assist the BPL section in order that their basic needs like food, shelter and clothes might be fulfilled.
- According to a committee headed by C Rangarajan (former reserve bank Governor) around 30% of the entire population of India lived in poverty in 2011-12.
- The Government uses various parameters to identify the Below Poverty Line (BPL) sections. These parameters may vary from state to state and should vary for rural and urban areas.
- Furthermore, the various countries have different parameters and methods to define the Poverty Line. In India, in 2011, the poverty line was defined by the Suresh Tendulkar Committee. It had been defined on the basis of monthly expenditure on food, health, education, transport and electricity.
- According to this committee, an individual who spends Rs. 33.3 each day in urban areas and Rs. 27.2 each day in rural areas is living below the poverty line.
Parameters to define BPL

Parameters to Define BPL
- Type of house
- Status of kids
- Consumer durables
- Food security
- Clothing
- Literacy status
- Landholding
- Sanitation etc.
BPL Full Form - British Physical Laboratories Group

British Physical Laboratories Group
- BPL stands for British Physical Laboratories Group. It's an Indian company which manufactures digital and electronics products. It's headquartered in Bangalore, India. Its subsidiaries include BPL Display Devices, Bharat Energy Ventures and BPL Securities. BPL may be a reliable brand in consumer durable market and its distribution network comprises over 7000 channels partners. As of 2016, Ajit G Nambiar is that the Chairman and managing director (CMD) of BPL.
Brief History
- BPL was founded in 1963 in Palakkad, Kerala. It had been established as one Product Company to manufacture high precision panel meters for defense applications.
- In 1967, it started manufacturing electrocardiographs in technical collaboration with Fukuda Electric Co, Japan.
- In 1967, it started the manufacturing of power line Carrier communication equipment.
- In 1975, it established its sales and marketing department.
- In 1982, it entered the consumer electronics market.
- In 1984, it started producing EPABX and telephone equipments.
- In 1985, it received the industrial license to manufacture VCRS together with Sanyo.
- In 1994, it started manufacturing kitchen appliances.
- 1n 1995, it launched mobile telephone services in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu and Kerala.
- In 2000, it entered into strategic alliance with Slovenian Manufacturing Company to start out off-shore manufacturing in Europe.
- In 2001, it established state-of-art design and development centre for systems and software solutions at BPL Telecom.
- In 2005, it entered into joint venture with Sanyo for CTV production and its distribution.
- In July 2015, Flipkart became the exclusive online retailer of BPL to sell its products online.