ASTM Full Form | What is the Full Form Of ASTM
ASTM Full Form - American Society for Testing and Materials
- ASTM stands for American Society for Testing and Materials.
- At the present, it's known as ASTM International (ASTM). It's a world standards organization that develops and publishes consensus standards and is one among the world's largest international standards developing organizations.

American Society for Testing and Materials
- ASTM was established in 1898 by the name of American Section of the International Association for Testing Materials.
- It's headquartered in West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania. Furthermore, it came into existence before many other standards organizations like the BSI (1901), IEC (1906), DIN (1917), ANSI (1981), AFNOR (1926), and ISO (1947).
- Furthermore, it's a committee of relevant industry professionals who meet regularly in an open and transparent process to develop ASTM standards for a wide range of materials, products, and services, and more.
- Today, it's over 12,000 ASTM standards, which are used globally. These standards are meant to improve the lives of individuals as they're combined with innovative business services of ASTM. Thus, it enhances performance and helps people buy and use products confidently.

Categories of American Society for Testing and Materials
- ASTM International Standards are divided into categories:
- Standard Specification : It lists the wants to be satisfied by the subject of the standard.
- Standard Test Method : It outlines the way a test should be performed.
- Standard Practice : It defines a sequence of operations, which doesn't provides a result like a test.
- Standard Guide : It provides organized information or options. However, it doesn't suggest a selected course of action.
- Standard Classification : It refers to an arrangement of materials, products, systems, or services into groups based on similar features like origin, composition, properties, etc.
- ASTM members deliver the test methods, specifications and guides that support industries and governments worldwide. The organization develops and publishes standards in USA, which are accepted worldwide.
- These standards are broadly divided into sections, which includes:
- Construction
- Electrical Insulation and Electronics
- Iron and Steel Products
- Nonferrous Metal Products
- Nuclear, Solar, and Geothermal Energy
- Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels
- Medical Devices and Services
- Plastics
- Textiles and many more