LKG Full Form | Full Form of LKG
LKG Full Form - Lower Kindergarten
- Here, you’ll get the solution of following LKG related questions: full form of LKG , full form of LKG and UKG , what is the full form of LKG , full form of LKG class

Lower Kindergarten
- LKG stands for Lower Kindergarten. Kindergarten specifies a babysitter or preschool for the 3-4 years old children.
- It's a German word which accurately means "garden for children".
- The duration of LKG is one year.
- The youngsters spend around 3-4 hours in LKG during a day and are engaged during a wide selection of lessons, learning activities and recreational activities.
- In the Indian education system, there are 3 years of elementary education before the first education.
- These three years are Nursery, LKG (Lower Kindergarten), and UKG (Upper Kindergarten).
- This primary education is important because it helps build a robust foundation of education and makes children easier for the first education.
- Lower Kindergarten contains the essential sessions of writing, playing, singing, painting, music etc.
- It's a crucial basic building block that prepares the kids for primary education.
- In some schools, the nursery class isn't mandatory to get admission in LKG. They provide admission directly in LKG.
- The word Kindergarten was first used by Friedrich Frobel for the Play and Activity school that he created in 1837 in Bad Blankenburg.
- He opened that faculty as a social experience for children for his or her transition from home to high school.