IRS Full Form | Full Form of IRS
IRS Full Form - Indian Revenue Service
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Indian Revenue Service
- IRS stands for Indian Revenue Service (IRS) which was established in 1953.
- It's the administrative group A revenue service or one among the Central Civil Services (Group A services) of the government. Of India liable for the administration and collection of the varied direct and indirect taxes that are acquired by the government.
- IRS functions under the Department of Revenue within the Union Ministry of Finance.
- It's a very important service directly associated with the revenue section of the government Of India.
- IRS Serves the state through the gathering of revenue for the development, security, and governance.
- It plays a serious role in the collection of direct taxes like tax & wealth tax in India, which make a big contribution to the entire tax income in the country.
- IRS officers administer the Direct Taxes Laws through the income tax Department (ITD).
- They play a very important role in exposing scams within the country.
- They responsible for compilation, administration, and policy formation of direct and indirect tax, in order that they are called as Tax administrators of India and also called the guardians of the financial borders of the country.
- An income tax office is often found in almost every district of India.
IRS has two branches : IRS (Income Tax) and IRS (Customs and Central Excise)
- These two branches are controlled by two separate statutory bodies: Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT), and Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) respectively.
- The IRS officers also are appointed to law enforcement and intelligence organizations like the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) , Research and Analysis Wing ( RAW ), and Intelligence Bureau (IB).
Eligibility for the Indian Revenue Service Exam
- The eligibility criteria for the IRS are almost the same because it is for other group A services.
- A candidate who wants to become an IRS officer is required to clear the Civil Services Examination conducted by Union Public Service Commission.
- A candidate who fulfills the following eligibility criteria is eligible for this exam.
- Must be a citizen of India.
- Must have a graduate degree from a Central, State or Deemed University.
- A correspondence degree recognized by the government Of India.
- A qualification recognized by the government Of India like any of the above.
- The following candidates also are eligible for the IRS exam. However, they're required to submit the eligibility proof at the time of the examination.
- Who have passed the final exam of the MBBS degree but haven't completed their internship.
- Who have passed the final exam of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI), ICSI and ICWAI.
- Who have a degree from a foreign university recognized by Association of Indian Universities (AIU)
- An IRS officer starts with the designation of Assistant Commissioner of income tax.
- The group B gazette income tax officers also can become IRS through promotion.
- The principles of Indian Revenue Service Recruitment regulate the choice and career prospects of an IRS officer.
Age Limit
- The minimum age limit for a candidate is 21 years, and also the maximum age limit is 32 years for general category candidates. However, the age limit for IRS also depends on the caste reservation:
- The upper age limit supported caste reservation:
- For general category up to 32 years
- For OBC up to 35 years
- For SC/ST up to 37 years
No. Of attempts
- 6 attempts for General Category
- 9 attempts for OBC candidates
- No limit for SC or ST candidates
- The upper age limit is often more surely candidates depending on certain factors like candidates from Jammu and Kashmir State of India and physically disabled candidates.