HVAC Full Form | Full Form of HVAC
HVAC Full Form - Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
- Here, you’ll get the solution of the following HVAC related questions: full form of HVAC , full form of HVAC system , full form of HVAC engineer , HVAC full form , HVAC full form in electrical

Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning
- HVAC stands for Heating Ventilation and Air Conditioning.
- It's a set of technologies mainly used to regulate room temperature, humidity and Air flow within a specified area.
- It's designed to provide thermal comfort and acceptable indoor air quality. The HVAC system design is that the subject of engineering.
- It's based on the principle of thermodynamics, hydraulic and warmth transfer.
- HVAC systems are often used for both domestic and commercial buildings.
- It's comprised of central air conditional, heating, and ventilation system.
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Basic HVAC Parts

Basic HVAC Parts
- Furnace
- Heat Exchanger
- Evaporator Coil
- Condensing Unit
- Refrigerant Lines
- Thermostat
- Ducts
- Vents
- HVAC technology is used to create a comfortable and luxurious environment indoor or in vehicles.
- It's vital within the design of medium to large industrial and office building.
- The most example of the use of this technology is: Shopping Malls, Business Offices, Hotels, Restaurants, Schools and Colleges, Vehicles etc.
- Its main goal is to provide thermal comfort, proper ventilation to remote unpleasant smell and unnecessarily moisture within reasonable installation, operational and maintenance costs.
- HVAC is bunch of technologies. It's based on the inventions of some famous scientists like Nikolay Lvov, Faraday, Willis Carrier, Reuben Trane, James Joule, William Rankine, Carnot, and lots of others.