FMCG Full Form | What is the Full Form of FMCG
FMCG Full Form - Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
- Here, you’ll get the solution of following FMCG related questions : full form of FMCG , full form of FMCG company , full form of FMCG companies , what is the full form of FMCG

Fast-Moving Consumer Goods
- FMCG stands for Fast-Moving Consumer Goods which also are referred to as consumer packed goods (CPD). These goods ask the products that are sold quickly and usually non-durable. It's also referred to as Consumer Packaged Goods.(CPG)
- The samples of FMCG products are soft drinks, processed foods, cosmetics like lib balm , eyeliner , deodorants , soaps , general using products like toilet tissue, hand towel , cap , toilet soaps and therefore the over-the-counter drugs etc.
- FMGC products have a brief life and usually replaced or sold over a brief period usually within a couple of days, few weeks, and few months.
- Although the margin of profit in FMGC products is relatively low but they typically sold within the great quantity thus, the cumulative profit is good.
- The success of FMCG products largely depends on the brand equity, marketing, distribution network and understanding of consumer behavior.
- The FMCG industry is that the fourth largest sector within the Indian economy and its size is estimated to grow from US$ 30 billion in 2011 to US$ 75 billion in 2018.
- It generates 5% of the entire factory employment in India. The growing awareness, quick access to products, and changing lifestyles are considered the main factors for the expansion of this sector.
Characteristics of FMCG products
From the Consumers' Perspective
- Mandatory use
- Frequent purchase
- Low cost
- No effort to select
- Comes in wide range
From the Marketers' Perspective
- Low margin
- High distribution network needed
- Daily delivery

Marketer's Perspective