Computer Full Form | What is the Full Form of COMPUTER


  • Here you’ll get the solution for the following Computer related questions : Full form of Computer , what is a full form of Computer , full form of Computer ups , all the full form of Computer


  • Computer isn't an acronym, it's a word derived from a word "computer" which means to calculate. So, in simple words you'll say that computer is a device which is used for fast calculation.
  • Some people say that COMPUTER stands for Common Operating Machine Purposely Used for Technological and educational Research.
  • It's only a myth because first this definition does not make any sense and second when the computer was invented they were just calculating machines which need a lot of space for establishment.

"A computer is a general purpose electronic device that is used to perform arithmetic and logical operations automatically. A computer consists of a central processing unit and a memory."

COMPUTER = Arithmetical Logical Unit (ALU) + Control Unit (CU)
  • ALU : Arithmetic Logical Unit is used to hold out arithmetic and logic operation.
  • CU : Control unit is used to vary the order of operations in response to stored information.
 Arithmetic Logical Unit

Arithmetic Logical Unit

Categorization on the basis of technology

  • Digital Computer
  • Analog Computer
  • Hybrid Computer
 Categorization on the Basis of Technology

Categorization on the Basis of Technology

Categorization on the basis of generation

  • First generation computers : (1940-1956) based on Vacuum tubes.
  • Second generation computers : (1956-1963) based on Transistors
  • Third generation computers : (1964-1971) based on Integrated Circuits
  • Forth generation computers : (1971- Present) based on Microprocessors
  • Fifth generation computers : (Present and Beyond) based on AI

There are many varieties of computers available on the idea of their working areas : Super computer, work frames, personal computer, desktops, laptops, palmtops etc.

What components make up a desktop computer ?

  • Today's desktop computers have some or all of the below components (hardware) and peripherals.
  • As technology advances, older technologies, like a floppy disk drive and Zip drive (both shown below), are no longer required or included.
  • Example of front of computer case
    • Bay
    • Case or Chassis
    • Case Fan
    • Optical drive: Blu-ray, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, or DVD.
    • CPU (processor)
    • Floppy disk drive
    • Hard drive
    • Keyboard
    • RAM (random access memory)
    • Microphone
    • Monitor, LCD, or another display device.
    • Motherboard
    • Mouse
    • Network card
    • Power Supply
    • Printer
    • Sound card
    • Speakers
    • Video card
    • Wearable

Input Devices

  • The devices which are used to give data and instructions to the computer are called Input Devices.
  • Various types of input devices is used with the computer depending upon the type of data you want to enter within the computer, e.g., keyboard, mouse, joystick, light pen, etc.

Output Devices

  • The devices which are used to display the results or information are called Output Devices.
  • You'll view the output on the monitor or you can print it on a paper using a printer.
  • Monitor and therefore the printer are the commonly used output devices.


  • Stores data in digital format :
    • Computers can store many pages of data in digital format.
  • Huge storage :
    • we will store huge information. This day hard-disks can store 100s of Gigabytes (GB) of information. Large businesses store their marketing and sales data in their computer systems. Even sensitive data of customers are securely protected in a computerized environment.
  • Play games :
    • When it involves games, the choices are almost unlimited.
  • Calculations :
    • Businesses are increasingly using spreadsheets and other software as a tool for performing mathematical calculations.
  • Prepare and store official documents:
    • you'll use word processing software to prepare, edit and save any text document. The concept of paperless offices is finally taking its shape.
  • Presentations :
    • If your office demands that you prepare presentations, you'll prepare it in a PowerPoint.
  • Internet :
    • You'll connect your computer to Internet and browse through huge data. People use internet for various purposes. Students can use internet to download study materials. A search analyst can do market research over internet. A marketing person can gather relevant data across various geographical boundaries. A prospective customer can find a service provider over internet.
  • Multimedia :
    • Computer also can be used as an entertainment device. We will play various multimedia applications like music, video, etc.


  • Ever changing technology :
    • The technology that's new today may soon become obsolete. We need to regularly upgrade the hardware and software in a computerized environment. This involves overtime and price.
  • Increased manpower cost :
    • The pc must be operated by skilled person. This has led to a rise in manpower cost for organizations. Due to the inherent risks, huge expenditure is made ensure data security.
  • Computer stops responding :
    • Sometimes the operating system of the computer may stop responding or functioning. Though this problem is generally solved by restarting the computer, but sometimes you'll need to take the support of the technician.
  • Viruses :
    • The threat of virus and malware attack always remains within the computerized environment. To cope up with these risks, various anti-virus software is available within the market. If you're using a good antivirus, you're almost sure that your private information and other sensitive data are secured.

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