XUV Full Form | Full Form of XUV
XUV Full Form - EXtreme Ultraviolet Radiation

EXtreme Ultraviolet Radiation
- EXtreme Ultraviolet Radiation (XUV) is high-energy ultraviolet radiation, generally defined to be electromagnetic radiation within the a part of the electromagnetic spectrum spanning wavelengths from 120 nm right down to 10 nm.

Uses of Xuv
- EUV is of course generated by the solar corona and artificially by plasma and synchrotron light sources. Its main uses are photoelectron spectroscopy, solar imaging, and lithography.
- With certain samples, UV laser excitation can interact in ways impossible when using visible laser sources. for ex , in semiconductor materials the penetration depth of UV light is usually within the order of a few nanometers, and thus UV Raman are often used to selectively analyse from a thin top surface layer (as is usually found in silicon on insulator SOI materials). In another example, UV excitation can produce to specific resonance enhancement with biological moieties, particularly protein, DNA and RNA structures. Specific analysis of those materials within tissue are often difficult using visible laser wavelengths.
- Fluorescence suppression can often be assisted using UV lasers, by spectrally separating the Raman and fluorescence signatures. With visible lasers it's common that Raman and fluorescence are superimposed, and therefore the incomparable strength of the fluorescence is what can perturb (or completely mask) the Raman spectrum. With UV excitation the Raman spectrum lies close to the laser line, whereas the fluorescence is usually slightly removed to higher wavelengths. Thus, they no longer overlap, and therefore the fluorescence is not any longer an issue.
- Increased sensitivity may result from UV excitation, since Raman scattering efficiency is proportional to λ-4, where λ is that the laser wavelength. Thus, Raman scattering at 325 nm may be a factor of 14 more efficient than that at 633nm.
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- UV Raman still remains a more sophisticated technique which needs greater expertise to handle. Reasons for this include the very fact that the laser beam is now invisible, which the lasers are larger, more complex, and considerably costlier.
- Samples are more prone to burning and degradation from the laser beam since the energy per photon is increased. However, new techniques like DuoScan™ optics allow the laser beam to be rapidly rastored over the sample and thus preventing immediate burning. As an example, cellulose will burn with 325 nm excitation within a few milliseconds, but with DuoScan™ it remains resilient to burning for more than five minutes.
- Many Raman systems designed for visible and near infra-red analysis aren't suitable for UV Raman. UV Raman requires specific mirror coatings, microscope objectives, diffraction gratings, and CCD detector for optimised results. Modern systems like the LabRAM HR are often configured to figure efficiently from the UV through to the infra-red without compromise, but nonetheless the extra requirements do come at a price.