IC Full Form | Full Form of IC | What is the Full Form Of IC
IC Full Form - Integrated Circuit
- Here, you’ll get the solution of the following ICrelated questions: full form of IC , what is the full form of IC , full form of IC in computer , full form of IC engine , IC full form

Integrated Circuit
- IC stands for Integrated Circuit.It's a small device made from semiconductor material. It contains various microscopic elements like transistors, diodes, capacitors and resistors.
- All these elements are interconnected and fabricated as one unit on a thin sheet of semiconductor material, particularly silicon.
- ICs are used in a spread of devices like microprocessors, audio equipment, television equipment, mobiles, television sets and automobiles.
- It's also called as chip or microchip.It had been primarily built with an objective of placing as many transistors as possible on a semiconductor chip.
- The first IC or microchip was developed by Jack Kilby in 1958.

Integrated Circuit-Classification
- ICs have undergone several generations of developments.
- These subsequent developments made them contain more transistors and other electronic components and accordingly they will be classified as;
- Small Scale Integration (SSI) : One to hundred transistors per chip or IC.
- Medium Scale Integration (MSI) : IC with Hundreds to thousands of transistors.
- Large Scale Integration (LSI) : IC with thousands to several hundred thousand transistors.
- Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) : Hundred thousand to at least one million transistors per chip or IC.
- Ultra-Large Scale Integration (ULSI) : IC with millions or billions transistors per chip. E.g. computer processor.
- An IC also can be classified as; Analogue IC, Digital IC or a mixture of both.