IATA Full Form | Full Form of IATA
IATA Full Form - International Air Transportation Association
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International Air Transportation Association
- IATA stands for International Air Transportation Association.
- It's a private organization (trade association) promoting cooperation among the world's scheduled airlines to make sure safe, secure, reliable and economical air services, i.e. it offers consulting services to the airline industry.
- Around 275 airlines are related to it. The services provided by IATA include fleet and sales planning, cargo security, capacity management, airport operations management, aviation security, airspace planning etc. It also offers revenue management and pricing, billing, financing, accounting, and currency clearance services.
- It is headquartered in Montreal, Canada. It has executive offices in Geneva Switzerland. In the US, the company headquarters represents the entity at the middle or the highest of an organization taking full responsibility for managing all business activities.
- In the UK, the term head office (or HO) is most ordinarily used for the headquarters of huge corporations. The term is additionally used regarding military organizations.
- IATA was formed in April 1945 in Havana Cuba. It had been the replacement of the International Air traffic Association which was formed in 1919 at The Hague.
- At starting IATA has 57 airlines from 31 countries but at the present time there are almost 250 airlines are related to it.
Goals of IATA
Following are the three main priorities of IATA.

International Air Transportation Association - Goals
- Safety is main priority of IATA. It provides a security instrument called IATA Operation Safety Audit ( IOSA ).
- It's also mandated at the state level by several countries. Aviation posts 2012 the safest year ever.
- In 2014, IATA found out a special panel to trace aircraft in flight in real time.
- Security is an important issue after the tragedy of 9/11. So, it follows a set of rules to make ensure security.
Simplifying the Business
- This program was launched in 2004. This initiative was introduced to facilitate the passengers, including electronic tickets, bar coded boarding pass, fast travel initiative and many of other things.