FM Full Form in Radio | What is the Full Form of FM
FM Full Form - Frequency Modulation ( full form of fm )
- Here, you’ll get the solution of following FM related questions : what is the full form of FM , full form of FM radio , what is full form of FM , Fm Full form in Radio

Frequency Modulation
- FM stands for Frequency Modulated electromagnetic radiation.
- It's generally used for FM broadcasting and various other radio communication applications.
- In Telecommunication, FM may be a technique of transmitting information using a carrier.
- The frequency of the carrier is varied according to the amplitude and polarity of the input signal.
- FM and AM both are used for radio broadcasting but FM is different from AM.
- AM stands for Amplitude Modulated electromagnetic radiation.
- AM is prone to interference because the amplitude of AM signals are often altered easily.
- On the opposite hand FM is much less prone to interference because the amplitude of FM signals can't be altered easily.
- The FM broadcasting technology was invented by Edwin Howard Armstrong.
- It had been invented within the early 1930's.
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Benefits of FM broadcasting ( full form of fm )
- FM is a smaller amount prone to noise because the FM signal's information is varied through frequency variation, not in amplitude variation.
- The frequency range of FM radio is higher comparatively.
- It ranges from 88 to 108 MHz or 1200 to 2400 bits per second.
- FM produces better sound quality due to higher bandwidth.
- FM is understood for its good audio quality so FM radio is additionally referred to as High Fidelity sets.
- In FM broadcasting, it's possible to use non-linear RF amplifiers to amplify FM signals.
- FM is resilient to signal-variation that creates it suitable for mobile applications where signal levels vary constantly.
- In FM broadcasting, modulation are often applied to a low power stage of the transmitter.
Common Applications

FM Applications
FM Radio
- FM radios use a modulation index (m>1) which is named wideband FM.
Television Sound
- In terrestrial TV broadcasts, the video signal is transmitted through AM and sound signal is transmitted through FM.
- It helps reduce interference between video and sound signals.
Satellite TV
- A number of the TV transmissions use FM to broadcast an analogue video signal.
- It helps obtain a suitable signal at the receiving end.