RRB Full Form | Full Form of RRB Bank
RRB Full Form - Railway Recruitment Board
- Here, you’ll get the solution of the following RRB related questions: full form of RRB , full form of RRB bank , what is the full form of RRB , full form of RRB NTPC , RRB full form

Railway Recruitment Board
- RRB stands for Railway Recruitment Board. Formerly, it had been referred to as railway service commission.
- It had been renamed as railway recruitment board in 1985. It manages the appointment of new employees to work in Indian railways.
- It had been established to recruit group c candidates into the service of Indian railways.
- At the present, 21 railway recruitment boards are functioning in Indian railways.
- RRB is responsible for issuing notifications to fill up the vacancies.
- They recruit candidates (call for applications from eligible candidates), conduct examination, verify the credentials of the selected candidates, and recommend them to Indian railways.
- Some RRBs conducted online examination online in the past. However, at the present only written examinations are conducted by all RRBs.
- For a few posts, only the marks obtained in the written exam are considered, and for a few posts, interviews also are conducted before the final selection.
- As of November 2019, Vinod Kumar Yadav is that the chairman of the railway board.
- In Chandigarh, RRB started working within the year 1983 from #585, sector 18-b, Chandigarh. Later, the RRB offices are established at different locations in Chandigarh, which are as follows:
- Kothi no. 105, sector 9-b, Chandigarh
- SCO 78-79, sector 8-c, MadhyaMarg
- SCO 34, sector 7-c, MadhyaMarg, Chandigarh