XOXO Full Form | Full Form of XOXO
XOXO Full Form

- XOXO or Hugs and kisses is a term used for expressing sincerity, faith, love, or good friendship at the end of a written letter, email or SMS text message.
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- The common custom of placing "X" on envelopes, notes and at the bottom of letters to mean kisses dates back to the middle Ages, when a Christian cross was drawn on documents or letters to mean sincerity, faith, and honesty.
- A kiss was then placed upon the cross, by the signer as a display of their sworn oath. It had been also utilized in early Christian history the maximum amount of a display of the same.
- Since most of the common people couldn't read or write, the 'X' was placed on documents, and a kiss was placed over it as a show of their sincerity.
- The Chi Rho, often represented with the letter 'X', was also used as a holy symbol throughout Christian history because it represented the Greek word for Christ ΧΡΙΣΤΟΣ. This gave rise to the practice of using the letter 'X', which was then kissed during this tradition of displaying a sacred oath.
- There is speculation on the internet from a minimum of one original source that the 'O' is of North American descent: when arriving within the US, Jewish immigrants, most of whose first language was Yiddish, would use an 'O' to sign documents, thus not using the sign of the cross, and shop keepers would often use an 'O' when signing documents, in place of an 'X'.