NCERT Full Form | Full Form of NCERT
NCERT Full Form - National Council of Educational Research and Training
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National Council of Educational Research and Training
- NCERT stands for National Council of Educational Research and Training.
- It’s a Government organization that publishes books for all subjects in various languages for the scholar of sophistication 1 to class 8.
- It’s headquartered at Sri Aurbindo Marg in New Delhi, India.
- NCERT was found out by Government of India in 1961.
- Its main objective was to help and advise the State and Central Government on academic matters associated with school education.
- It was formed by merging seven existing institution. Those institutions are:
- Central Institute of Education (1947)
- Central Bureau of Textbook Research (1954)
- Central Bureau of Educational and Vocational Guidance (1954)
- Directorate of Extension Programs for education (1958)
- National Institute of Basic Education (1956)
- National Fundamental Education Centre (1956)
- National Institute of Audio-Visual Education (1959)
- NCERT is devoted to supply the following facilities. Below is that the list of its top priorities:
- Early childhood education
- To implement of National Curriculum Framework
- Universalisation of education (UEE)
- Vocational education
- Girls child education
- Competitive value education
- Improvement of teachers education
- Improvement of thought of scholars