UNICEF Full Form | Full Form of UNICEF
UNICEF Full Form - United Nations Children's Fund
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United Nations Children's Fund
- UNICEF stands for United Nations Children's Fund; formerly, it has been called United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund.
- It’s a special program of the United Nations which works for the general welfare of the needy children and mothers across the world.
Brief History
- It had been established by United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946 for the welfare of European children after war II.
- In 1950, General Assembly extended its mandate so it can help the needy children and mothers in developing countries.
- In 1953, UNICEF became the permanent member of United Nations General Assembly and its name was shortened to United Nations Children’s Fund. However, the assembly retained its acronym "UNICEF".
- Today UNICEF is functioning in more than 190 countries. It works with local communities, business partners and governments of the countries to produce urgent relief aid to needy children and mothers.
- UNICEF believes that all children have the correct to adequate nutrition, education, health and protection against abuse and exploitation.
- Accordingly, it focuses on five major problems faced by the children which are listed below:
- Violence and exploitation
- Hunger
- War
- Disaster
- Disease

Five Major Problems