TRAI Full Form | Full Form of TRAI
TRAI Full Form - Telecom Regulatory Authority of India

Telecom regulatory authority of India
- TRAI stands for Telecom regulatory authority of India. It’s a regulatory body established by Govt. of India in 1997 under section 3 of the Telecom regulatory authority of India Act, 1997, to oversee the telecommunications industry in India.
- TRAI is answerable for the uniform growth of the telecom sector also as protecting the interests of both telecom service providers and consumers.
- It promotes technological improvements and provides suggestions to enhance efficiency and technical compatibility.
Major Functions of TRAI
- It establishes standards for quality of service (QoS) and supervises how service providers share revenue.
- TRAI also conducts surveys at regular intervals to judge the services of telecom service providers to confirm they're acting in the best interest of consumers and are operating in compliance with universal service obligations.
- It regulates telecommunication services, adjudicates disputes, eliminate appeals, and protects the interest of the service providers and consumers.
- It establishes standards for Quality of Services (QoS) and supervises how service providers share revenue.
Functions of TRAI are mentioned under section 11 of the TRAI Act
- Consumer Protection
- Ensure Quality of Service
- Ensure Affordable Tariff
- It regulates interconnections
- To produce a good and transparent environment to promote the growth of telecom service providers.