USP Full Form in Computer | Full Form of USP in Computer
USP Full Form - Unique Selling Proposition
- Here, you’ll get the solution for the following USP Related Questions full form of usp , full form of usp in computer , USP full Form , USP Full Form in Computer

Unique Selling Proposition
- USP stands for Unique Selling Proposition. It’s also called unique selling point. It’s a replacement concept of selling to differentiate your product from the rest competitors. The all three words in "Unique Selling Proposition" will be described individually.
- Unique : Choose an absolutely different approach of selling.
- Selling : Exchanging money for service or product.
- Proposition : Providing an offer or a proposal to shop something.
- Now a day, in this very competitive environment, it's a USP of a company that differentiate it from others.
For Example
- You know that Domino Pizzas is offering hot pizza delivered to your direct but 30 minutes, if the company doesn't keep its promise, it gives you the pizza - free of cost. It’s called Unique Selling Proposition. This is the strategy of Domino's pizza that attracts customers by making their sales proposition unique.
Read Also
- Some examples of products with a clear USP in the market:
- Head & Shoulders : "You get rid of dandruff".
- M&M's : "Melts in your mouth, not in your hand".
- Metropolitan Life : "Get Met. It Pays." Etc.