HTC Full Form | What is the Full Form of HTC
HTC Full Form - High Tech Computer

- HTC stands for high Tech Computer. Actually, it's formerly called High Tech Computer Corporation. Now a day, it's popular as HTC Corporation.
- It’s a Taiwanese company best known for manufacturing smart phones and tablets.
- It had been founded in 1997 by "Cher Wang" in Taiyuan City, Taiwan. HTC's smart phones are supported android and windows mobile OS
- HTC had produced the first ever android smart phone in the market named HTC dream.
- HTC makes smart phones with the android and window phone operating system both. It also makes PDA's. It generally creates a base design, gives it to a codename and offers the device to be sold and rebranded by other companies.
- In 2006, HTC started offering devices under its own name.
- The most reason behind its popularity is that it provides a really sleek and attractive design with a great program.
Brief History
- HTC was established in 1997 to produce a new generation of personal digital assistance or smart phones.
- In 2000, HTC bagged the contract to develop and manufacture a PDA (the Ipaq) for Compaq Corporation.
- In 2001, HTC reached an agreement with Microsoft Corporation to supply a replacement generation of mobile telephones.
- In 2002, HTC released its first smart phone and its first wireless Pocket PC.
- In 2004, HTC acquired IA Style and its revenue reached $1 billion.
- In 2005, It became the primary company to introduce a Smartphone based on the new Window Mobile 5.0 operating system.
- In 2007, it acquired the Dopod International, a mobile-device company.
- HTC abbreviation
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