GSLV Full Form | Full Form of GSLV
GSLV Full Form - Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
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Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle
- GSLV stands for Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle. It's the satellite-launch vehicle developed and operated by the Indian Space Research Organisation ( ISRO ).
- It's used to launch satellites and space objects into the Geosynchronous Transfer Orbits.
- It's launched eleven satellites till date (July 2017).
- The primary satellite was launched in 2001 and therefore the most recent satellite was launched on 5 May 2017.
GSLV Description
- GSLV is 49 meters tall. It's a three-stage launcher with a lift-off mass of 414.75 tonnes.
- It's provided strap-on motors. The present configuration of GSLV can put a payload of around 2500 kg within the Geostationary Transfer Orbit (GTO).
- It can put a payload up to five tonnes in Low Earth Orbits (LEO).
- First Stage (GS1) :
- In this stage, S-138 solid rocket motor given four liquid engine strap-on motors is used to get thrust. It can generate a maximum thrust of 4700 Kilo Newton.
- Second Stage (GS2) :
- This stage uses a liquid rocket called Vikas. A maximum thrust of 800 Kilo Newton is generated during this stage.
- Third Stage (CUS) :
- During this stage, a cryogenic engine is used. This engine uses liquefied hydrogen and oxygen as fuel. The CE=7.5 is that the first cryogenic engine of India.
Brief History
- The GSLV project was initiated in 1990 to become an independent nation in launching geosynchronous satellites.
- On 18 April 2001, the primary developmental flight of GSLV Mk I (GSLV-D1) was launched on 18 April 2001. It had been unable to succeed in the correct orbit.
- It became operational after it successfully placed GSAT-2 in its second developmental flight.
- In September 2004, it launched EDUSAT the first satellite of India for educational services.
- The second operational flight (GSLV FO2) wasn't ready to place satellite (INSAT-4C) into the orbit.
- The first successful flight of GSLV Mark. II was the launch of GSLV-F05 on 5 January 2014 using an indigenously developed cryogenic engine (CE-7.5.)
- On 8 September 2016, GSLV-F05 was launched to launch the INSAT-3DR satellite from Sriharikota.
- On 5 May 2017, GSLV-F09 successfully launched GSAT-9 from Satish Dhawan Space Center, Sriharikota.