COPD Full Form | What is the Full Form of COPD
COPD Full Form - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- Here you’ll get the solution for the following COPD related questions : full form of COPD , full form of COPD in medical , full form ofCOPD disease , full form of COPD in biology , full form of COPD in medical term , what is full form of COPD

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- COPD stands for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease.
- It refers to a bunch of progressive lung diseases that get worse over time.
- The most common types of COPD are Emphysema and chronic bronchitis.
- It mainly affects the air sacs (alveoli) within the lungs and causes breathing difficulty.
- For example, in emphysema, the air sacs are damaged and in chronic bronchitis, the air sacs become swollen and fluid may accumulate in them.
- It's a standard medical condition that mainly affects middle-aged and older people that smoke.

Bronchial Tube
- People usually do not realize that they're affected by it because the symptoms might not appear within the early stages of the disease. They typically appear within the more advanced stages of the disease. Some common symptoms are as follows:
- Shortness of breath
- Tightness within the chest
- Excess mucus within the lungs
- Chronic cough
- Blue lips or fingernail beds
- Swollen ankles, feet or legs
- Lack of energy
- Frequent respiratory infections
- For a diagnosis of COPD, the symptoms must persist or deteriorate. If an individual has the same symptoms but the symptoms get away, they'll have another condition.
- A doctor will ask about family and medical histories, and any history of smoking.
- A lung function test called spirometry can confirm a diagnosis. This measures the quantity of air given call at a short breath, and therefore the speed of the air flow as this breath happens.
- The patient blows hard into a tube attached to the spirometer, which provides the readings.
- This test measures how well the lungs work on a spread of levels.
- Other lung function tests are available, if spirometry proves inconclusive, like a lung diffusion capacity test. Blood tests and pictures of the chest with x-ray or CT scan also can be useful.
Risk Factors
- Long-term cigarette smoking
- Occupational exposure to dust and hemicals
- Long-term exposure to fumes from burning fuel
- Genetic disorder
- Complications
- Respiratory infections
- Heart diseases
- Lung disorders
- High vital sign in lung arteries
- Pneumonia
- Oedema
- Depression
There is no specific treatment for COPD. The damaged tissue is additionally unable to repair itself. However, there are few measures which will assist you slow the progress of the disease and manage the symptoms. Its treatment may include:
- Bronchodilator medication
- Corticosteroids
- Expectorants
- Oxygen therapy
- Pulmonary rehabilitation
- Surgery