SAP Full Form Course - SAP Full Form in Software
SAP Full Form - Systems, Applications and Products

SAP Full Form
- SAP stands for Systems, Applications and Products. SAP may be a leading software company Headquartered in Walldorf, Germany founded in 1972.
- ERP software are developed and maintained by SAP.
- It's basically a software supplier. SAP deals publicly sector, banking sector, healthcare, education and repair industry.

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- The journey of SAP started in 1972 by five IBM Engineers named Dietmar Hopp, klaus Tschira, Hans Werner Hector, Hasso Plattner & Claus Wellenruther.
- Its first client was the German branch of Imperial Chemical Industries where they developed a mainframe program for payroll and accounting, and called it a real-time system software.
- SAP first commercial product was SAP R/98. In 1993, SAP teams up with Microsoft. Bill Mcdermott is that the current CEO of SAP.
- SAP partners include Global Software Partners, Global Services Partners and Global Technology Partners.
- Extension partners include Adobe, CA Technologies, GK Software, Hewlett Packcard, IDS Scheer, open Text, Redwood Software , Vistex Inc. Insync Techfin Solution Ltd.
- Meridian Global Services , knoa Software , Nakisa Inc. ICON-SCM , MabkOffice Associates , Prometheus Group and SmartOps.